About me


I am a ceramic artist living and working west of Boston. I hold a BFA 3D with a concentration in Ceramics from The Massachusetts College of Art and Design. I draw inspiration for my works from my experience and engagement with collections. I work with patterns found in vintage wallpaper, books and ephemera from the Victorian and Romantic era. I enjoy using the multi-faceted symbolism of flowers – they can be given for love, loss, sympathy or well-wishes.

While making each piece I am reminded of the things I love, such as family - eating together, setting a table, traditions, etc. Eating from a plate adorned with flowers reminds us of the beauty right outside our door. Celebrating with loved ones. Using heirloom pieces can create the feeling of being special, yet also precious. This can evoke strong feelings of nostalgia and longing. If one should break such an heirloom the moment can be ruined. It can be heartbreaking. There is a tension in making the decision to use such objects, and I’m inspired by this tension.

My technical study in ceramics allows me to create unique works. I make my pieces by hand on the pottery wheel and configure my own glazes and paints. My pottery is a cone 6 red clay and painted in the traditional majolica method. I’m proud of the attention and love I put into everything I make. I hope you love using it as much as I love making it!

You can contact me at liznoonan@gmail.com